Cesare Orlandi

Company: University of Rochester Medical Center
Job title: Assistant Professor
Unlocking Strategies to Identify Ligands that Activate Orphan GPCRs to Develop Agonists 9:00 am
Developing and optimizing novel methods to identify endogenous and synthetic ligands acting on GPCRs to allow for the design of targeted GPCR therapies Application of the novel Gz-Enhanced Signal Transduction assaY (GzESTY) for identifying orphan GPCR ligands in complex tissue extracts and compound libraries Development of novel screening assays for the rapid identification of inverse…Read more
day: Conference Day Two
Fireside Chat: Uncovering Tools to Discover Synthetic Ligands for Orphan GPCRs to Advance the Development of Effective Therapies 9:30 am
How to tackle orphan receptors with little known pharmacology with innovative strategies to discover their functional roles How to biochemically and biophysically characterize and validate orphan GPCRs? Identifying the signaling pathways, downstream activities, and mechanisms of action of orphan GPCRs to understand their therapeutic relevanceRead more
day: Conference Day Two